Please, please, but there is no result! Why is that?

4 min readNov 1, 2023


Often a person, surprised by the first successes when working with the Law of Attraction, is amazed by its wonders and acquires a certain feeling of euphoria. As it should be during training, he starts small, for example, tests this work with the PO with simple exercises, such as walking down the street and guessing the color of clothes of people he meets, or emotionally trying to look for a hidden image that suddenly appears in the physical world for, say, one or two days. And then, after making sure that everything is fine, he suddenly orders himself a million of some monetary units or the love of his life.

Let’s analyze both examples. With love, everything is much simpler: she has no inhibitory factors in the head of the petitioner, besides, perhaps Faith in her is already strong and may even be disturbing the brain for several days. Here, the realization that the Law of Attraction works and therefore will definitely help to find it, gives an additional energy boost to the already developed desire of a person. A miracle can happen instantly, besides, a person understands that it is not necessary to take even any actions to fulfill it, for example, you do not need to buy love or walk with a sign “Looking for love!” around the city. Numerous alliances are already formed in the most unexpected places and not even under the most adequate circumstances. Although, if you are embarrassed to walk with a sign, its role may well be played, for example, by the status on a social network, which will also increase the energy of the request, as an indicator that you are in search. And if you still take some action that enhances the energy of desire, for example, registration on a dating site, wait for an almost instantaneous return. This way you will be able to strengthen energy at least through the physical world, if your Faith in the Law of Attraction is not yet strong enough, like a more experienced person in this matter. It’s simple, because through established beliefs you know that the right status and dating site tend to bring people together, Believing in it gives energy in a love request.

Now let’s dig into the following example and the most important inhibiting factor of humanity. And so, it is difficult to find a person on Earth (not counting children and mentally unstable) who will be one hundred percent sure that he will be able to get something without taking any action. After all, life has taught that even when he takes some actions, he does not always get something, in his opinion, deserved, and even if he does not do anything at all… People have been building this Belief around themselves for years, and even after learning about the Law of Attraction and practicing a little with it, it will be quite difficult to break through it with their energy request for “a million monetary units”. It turns out that you are now asking with your mind, and the subconscious mind, which is not ready to realize your dreams, answers that it is simply not possible! Then you start an energy struggle with yourself.

Given that each person is individual, his life experience and personality itself will lead this struggle in different ways, which will result in some result. For example, it’s hard for you to believe that you can earn a “million” quickly, but one of your friends somehow won what you need in the lottery. And this is a confirmed fact for you, you know that this is possible and then a gap appears in the “wall”, where your knowledge directs the energy of desire. You strengthen it even more by thinking, what are you worse for? You remember the conditions under which he managed to win, analyze them, adjust and buy a lottery ticket. Additionally, you also use other techniques to work with the PO. And so, the universe responds to you…

She can answer with a win, or give you back your Belief that this is not possible. A faith that will become even stronger, as it has absorbed all the energy of your last winning request.

Of course, the lottery is the simplest example for understanding the mechanism of working with the Universe, therefore practically unrealizable. Energy schemes of wish fulfillment are usually more complex, but one thing is for sure: the more factors in them that reinforce confidence in success, the more real success is. And this is not magic at all, but a general rule for any success. The dependencies in the schemes will be anti-proportional to each other as much as their Faith is strong. Fight with fears, practice working with the PO, this will strengthen the Faith of him.

These are just two examples. In the one with love, we are often sure that she can come at any time, in any place and nothing will prevent us from connecting with her. This Faith helps us. And in the second example, Faith in failure first of all hinders us, and in order to realize the desire, it needs an opposition in the form of, let’s say, an antiverb.

Summing up, we can say that we often block the energy of our desires by believing that no one will bring our dream on a platter with any kind of edge. Nevertheless, this happens, and you have to believe in it with all your heart. In any case, if you haven’t questioned something, it’s worth analyzing the situation and practicing working with the Law of Attraction, because due to the individuality of each person’s energy, the problems may be different. If you don’t have time to look for errors in your queries to the Universe, use Aquarius, which will take over this routine work.




Written by Legi



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